Smart Growth Operational Programme Action: 3.3. Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises. Sub-measure 3.3.3. Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands – Go To Brand.
Project “ Increasing a recognition of polish brand Re:sin Eyewear on the international market”
Project POIR.03.03.03-12-0048/19
Project value: 461 200 PLN
Co-financing value: 392 020 PLN
The objective of the project is to promote the re:sin brand on foreign markets through participation in the POLISH FASHION promotion programme.
The planned effects include increasing exports of re:sin products and increasing brand awareness and recognition outside of Poland.
Smart Growth Operational Programme Action: 3.3. Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises. Sub-measure 3.3.3. Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands – Go To Brand.
Project “ Support for the internationalization and export activities of the Polish brand RE:SIN Eyewear Jewelry.”
Project POIR.03.03.03-12-0058/20
Project value: 424 500,00 PLN
Co-financing value: 360 825,00 PLN
The aim of the project for the Re: sin Eyewear Jewelry brand is to increase the recognition and competitiveness of the company through the internationalization of its activities. The implementation of promotional activities will strengthen the position of the Beneficiary on the international market. All planned activities are aimed at acquiring potential business partners and recipients of the offered products. Further expansion into foreign markets will allow to increase sales and open new distribution directions. It will also have a positive impact on the promotion of the Polish fashion industry and the Polish Economy Brand.
The planned effects include increasing exports of re:sin products and increasing brand awareness and recognition outside of Poland.